Winter Break Events
Deer Park will host Guru Pujas on the 10th day of the Tibetan lunar month. Medicine Buddha pujas and Tara pujas will be held on the first Wednesday of each month.
Emails will be sent out announcing any scheduled above events.
Weekly Teaching Schedule
Sundays 10 a.m. to Noon
Geshe Tenzin Sherab is teaching "The Orament of Clear Realization" {Abhisamayalamkara}
Thursday Nights 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Geshe Lhundub Jinpa is teaching Geshe Chekawa's "Seven Points of Mind Training"
Periodic Retreats and Pujas
Nyung Ne retreat – this is a weekend long fasting retreat held near Sagadawa, the celebration of Sakyamuni Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and parinirvana.
Other pujas are held on special days such as His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s Birthday, Wheel-turning day, Buddha's Descent from Heaven of the 33, and the Anniversary of Je Tsong Khapa’s Parinirvana (Ganden Ngam Cho).
Upcoming Special Events at Deer Park
Ganden Ngamcho Lama Tsongkapa Day Guru Puja commemorating the anniversary of Lama Tsongkapa's parinirvana
Wednesday, December 25 at 6:00 PM
Deer Park Warmly Welcomes Geshe Lhundup Jinpa
Teachings started: Thursday, July 20,2023 at 6:30 PM
Deer Park warmly welcomes new resident teacher, Geshe Lhundup Jinpa. We are very fortunate to have another highly qualified Lharampa Geshe in residence at Deer Park. Please see below, the biography of Geshe Jinpa. Geshe Jinpa will teach the regular Thursday evening teachings beginning on Thursday, July 20,2023 at 6:30 PM.
Ven, Geshe Lhundub Jinpa
Weekly audio files of teachings
by Geshe Tenzin Sherab:

Ornament of Clear Realizations
GTS audio teaching 7/14/24
Ornament of Clear Realizations
GTS audio teaching 7/21/24
Ornament of Clear Realizations
GTS audio teaching 7/28/24
Ornament of Clear Realizations
GTS audio teaching 8/4/24
Ornament of Clear Realizations
GTS audio teachings 8/11/24
Ornament of Clear Realizations
GTS audio teachings 9/8/24
Ornament of Clear Realizations
GTS audio teachings 9/15/24
Ornament of Clear Realizations
GTS audio teachings 9/29/24
Ornament of Clear Realizations
GTS audio teachings 10/6/24
Weekly Thursday Night audio teachings
by Geshe Lhundup Jinpa

Geshe Checkawa's Seven Point Mind Training
GLJ audio teaching 6/6/24
Geshe Checkawa's Seven Point Mind Training
GLJ audio teaching 6/13/24
Geshe Checkawa's Seven Point Mind Training
GLJ audio teaching 6/20/24
Geshe Checkawa's Seven Point Mind Training
GLJ audio teaching 7/4/24
Geshe Checkawa's Seven Point Mind Training
GLJ audio teaching 8/1/24
Geshe Checkawa's Seven Point Mind Training
GLJ audio teaching 8/8/24
Geshe Checkawa's Seven Point Mind Training
GLJ audio teachings 8/29/24
Geshe Checkawa's Seven Point Mind Training
GLJ audio teachings 9/12/24
Geshe Checkawa's Seven Point Mind Training
GLJ audio teachings 9/19/24
Geshe Checkawa's Seven Point Mind Training
GLJ audio teachings 9/26/24
Geshe Checkawa's Seven Point Mind Training
GLJ audio teachings 10/3/24