January 17 to mid - March, 2005
We are happy to inform you of the return of our great Teacher, Gyume Khensur Rinpoche, to Deer Park to teach once again. He will be teaching on a regular basis from January 17 until mid-March.
Khensur Rinpoche is a Gelugpa Lama of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition and former Abbot of Gyume Tantric Monastery in South India. He is a learned scholar and brilliant teacher who conveys the teachings of Tibetan Buddhism with great skill, clarity and energy. Although he has many students at Sera Monastery in India, we are very fortunate to have him here again to teach.
Khensur Rinpoche will be continuing with the teachings that he gave during his visit last year, on the text, Path of Bliss (De Lam), a text on the graduated stages of the path to enlightenment, and will begin Grounds and Paths (Sa Lam-Sutra/Tantra). Concerning the Path of Bliss text, Rinpoche completed the first section, on the spiritual being of small scope, and will begin this time with a review of the first section (including contemplations on the perfect human rebirth, impermanence and death). He will then teach the path of the spiritual being of middle scope. This includes in-depth teachings on karma and liberation.
Teaching Schedule Beginning on Monday, January 17
Mondays and Wednesdays : Grounds and Paths (Sa Lam)
7:30 p.m.- 9:00 p.m.
Fridays and Sundays: Path of Bliss (De Lam)
Fridays 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Sundays 10:00 am12 noon and 2:004:00 pm
Yamantaka (Solitary Hero) Initiation: Friday, Feb. 18th at 7:00 pm and Saturday, Feb. 19th at 2:00 pm. This initiation is required for those attending the teachings on the Tantric Grounds and Paths. With the initiation comes the minimum requirement of reciting the Six-Session Guru Yoga daily.
Tantric Grounds and Paths will begin Monday Feb. 21st. Monday and Wednesday evenings 7:309:00 pm until March 23rd.
All students are welcome to attend these teachings by Khensur Rinpoche at Deer Park. There is no need to preregister. You may come and attend however many classes you can. For the Grounds and Paths (Sa Lam) classes, when Rinpoche begins the Tantric sections, an initiation into a Tantric practice is required. This will be offered before this part of the teachings begins.