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How You Can Help

Deer Park Buddhist Center is supported by the generosity and kindness of donors and benefactors. Donations in support of Deer Park’s ongoing teachings, programs and monastic activities are very much needed and sincerely appreciated.

Deer Park Buddhist Center is a non-profit 501(C)(3) non-profit organization supported solely by volunteers and benefactors.  Deer Park Buddhist Center is not affiliated with or funded by any government or non-governmental organizations, programs, religious, educational or charitable institutions. Donations are tax-deductible in accordance with the United States Internal Revenue Code.

We thank you for your kind generous support.

By Check
If you would like to make your tax deductible contribution by check,
please make your check payable to:
Deer Park Buddhist Center

Send to:
Deer Park Buddhist Center
Attention: Deer Park Operating Fund
4548 Schneider Drive
Oregon, Wisconsin 53575

By Credit Card / PayPal
Contributions can also be made online using credit card through PayPal. The choice of one time contribution or ongoing monthly contribution is made possible through PayPal Service. If you wish to continue your donation as an automatic monthly pledge, please check the box by:
Make this Recurring (Monthly)” after you have entered your “Donation Amount”.
Please click on the link below to be directed to PayPal.

General Contribution by PAYPAL or Credit/Debit Card

Automatic Monthly Bank Withdrawal
Print and complete the Bank Authorization form, attach a voided check and send to:
Deer Park Buddhist Center
Attention: Deer Park Operating Fund
4548 Schneider Drive
Oregon, WI  53575

To Make a Contribution to a Specific Fund, Click PROJECTS
Contributions of Stocks, Bequests, Gift Trusts, Property and Materials

Transfer of Stocks and Bonds
Donations of stocks, bonds and securities are accepted. Please contact
Mr. Mike Atkins for more information by email:

Beneficiary for an Insurance Policy, Gift Trust and Other Bequests

You may name “Deer Park Buddhist Center, Inc., 4548 Schneider Drive, Oregon, Wisconsin 53575”
as the beneficiary of an insurance policy, IRA, 401(k) plan, annuity, or in your will or trust.

Donations of Property

Deer Park Buddhist Center is approved to accept tax-deductible donations of property. Real or personal property donations may need an appraisal by an independent appraiser in order to qualify for a tax deduction. Please consult your tax advisor. If you would like to discuss making a gift of real or personal property to Deer Park Buddhist Center, please contact Venerable Lhundup Sherab by email:  or call (608) 835-5572.

Deer Park Buddhist Center often needs qualified volunteers with specialized expertise, technical training and trade skills in various specialties such as information technology, electronics, finance, engineering, design, landscaping and garden works. Please contact Venerable Lhundup Sherab for additional details.
