Wesak and Saga Dawa 2003
Wesak is the anniversary of Buddha Shakyamunis birth, enlightenment and parinirvana on the full moon. During that month, saga dawa, the karmic results of virtuous and non-virtuous actions are magnified, and so it is auspicious for ordained and lay people to join together to perform religious rites. Deer Park Buddhist Center invites you to attend:
Nyung Ne Ritual
June 7 - June 9, 2003
Saturday, June 7, 2003: 4:30 a.m. 8:30 p.m.
Sunday, June 8, 2003: 4:30 a.m. 8:30 p.m.
Monday, June 9, 2003: Sunrise 8:30 a.m.
There will be Nyung Nye Avalokiteshvara fasting ritual starting June 7 Saturday before sunrise and ending June 9 Monday am. There will be sign up for this in the Deer Park Temple starting next month. Also, you can call Drolma at 835-6990 to sign up if you cannot sign up in the temple.
Please leave your name and phone number. Also, please cancel if you are not able to come after you sign up as we h ave to get a count for texts and lunch for Saturday. This is the weekend before SakaDawa which falls on June 14, Sat this year.
This practice, based on Avalokiteshvara, the Buddha of compassion, involves fasting and multiple daily sessions of prostration and recitation of his sadhana, praises, and mantra. This is an intensive spiritual practice to purify obscurations and negativities and accumulate merits.
The schedule for Saturday and Sunday begins with the Mahayana precepts (24-hour vows) at 4:30 a.m. and ends with the final recitation of the sadhana and prayers at about 8:30 p.m. On Saturday only one pre-noon meal is to be taken and will be provided by Deer Park. Sunday is a day of silence; no food or liquids are to be taken. The schedule for Monday begins at sunrise with a breakfast provided by Deer Park and ends at about 8:30 a.m. after an abbreviated session and dedication of merits. Participants should plan to attend the entire retreat and remain at Deer Park each day from precepts until the end of the last session.
Please pre-register for the full Nyung Ne fasting ritual by signing up in the temple or calling Drolma 608-835-6990. Contributions are welcome.
Guru Puja with Tsog
Saturday, June 14, 2003: 7:30 p.m.